3 materials to make a garden you should know

3 materials to make a garden you should know

Making a garden brings with it multiple tasks ranging from tilling the land, sowing the seeds, taking care of the process of plant growth, to harvesting the harvest. Every work in the garden needs specialized products that, used in the right way, will lead to the success of their crops.

We then highlight 3 materials to make a garden that will make your crop bear the fruits you are looking for.

With the Polisombraø, avoid excess sun

This mesh has UV stabilizer, is highly versatile, and it is possible to find it in different percentages of shade and weights for regulation of light intensity, temperature control, and ensuring adequate air circulation and moisture levels within the cover.

According to the article 'Urban Orchards and Organic Food' published in Huertoo, website of the leading company in the ecological and organic sector, Dropalia, an excess of UV rays can severely damage the entire crop, For this reason, in addition to protecting it from direct rays, irrigation practices must be carried out to keep it moist and ensure the hydration of the plants.

Golden Twine, to securely and delicately tie your plants

The tutoring of the plants in your garden is essential so that the crop has support and can be supported and grow correctly.
There are many types of tutoring and the one chosen for cultivation will depend on the type of plant you have, the availability of space and the aesthetic effect you want to give to the garden.

To carry out this practice, we recommend using a Cord that provides a proper mooring and fastening, is durable, and resistant to moisture.

Golden Unicolor line, the best alternative for the vertical garden

If you don’t have much space and want to develop a vegetable garden in your home or apartment, the vertical structures are ideal to optimize the growing areas and allow your plants to have the right conditions.

While there are several structures on the market ready to carry out your home garden, you can manufacture your own designs using sturdy materials that allow your crop to be completely safe and adapted to your space and personal taste. This can certainly save you a lot of money.

Within the materials to make a garden, at this stage of construction, the Golden Unicolor line allows you to tie any container or wooden pot and so, organize in different levels all types of plants.

Among the main benefits of making a vertical garden are that you can lower the ambient temperature, improve the air quality in the place where you installed it, beautify the space and get fruits and vegetables for your own consumption. (RABSA Business Group, 2020)

In short, building an orchard is a job that brings great benefits. While you can do it on a large scale to market the products or something simpler to have in your home, deciding to start this project requires quality products that meet the needs that are proposed and allow their cultivation to be a success.

At Tesicol we have advisors who will help you to identify the most suitable products for each project, contact us.

If you want to know more about the characteristics of each of these materials to make a garden, we invite you to know these and other products on our website.

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